Mestra Tigresa
Born and raised in the town of Coronel Fabriciano in southeastern Brazil, Tigresa developed an interest in Capoeira at a young age and began studying in 1986.
She obtained her Professora belt in 1997 and began teaching. Beyond her training and teaching duties, Tigresa participated in rodas and batizados throughout Brazil, and secured a personal training certifcate.
In 2001, Tigresa moved to the United States and continued to develop her craft. She earned the title of Contramestra in 2012 and Mestra in 2022.
As an instructor, Tigresa teaches her students proper and safe techniques, focusing on capoeira’s foundational movements. She pushes students to overcome the physical and mental limits they place on themselves, while maintaining her patience and humor.
Sina DE capoeira
artes do brasil
EST. 2014
Artes do Brasil is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded by Mestra Tigresa in 2014. Artes do Brasil was created to share the love of Capoeira and the wealth of Mestra Tigresa's experience with students, based on their shared values of respect, discipline, and tradition.
Sina de Capoeira, a subsidiary of Artes do Brasil, believes in preserving the art and traditions of Brazil while creating community, doing good and having fun! Sina de Capoeira believes in opening its studio doors to all genders, ages, and socio-economic backgrounds by providing classes, community outreach, and youth development. As part of our commitment to surrounding arts and wellness communities, we coordinate workshops in an effort to build and support the community. Sina de Capoeira offers classes for adults and children of all physical fitness levels, body shapes and abilities. Your fitness, coordination and flexibility will grow as you train – no one is ever too old to start!
We are always open to signing up new sponsors and donors within the local community and region at large. If you are interested in supporting our goal to spread this beautiful art form, please feel free to make a donation to our organization. All contributions are completely tax deductible. Please contact us for more details.
Wisdom in emptiness
Continuous growth
Usefulness through simplicity
Bend but do not break
What looks weak is strong
Be always ready
Unleash your power to spring back